CitiKitty Shark Tank Updates
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CitiKitty Net Worth

CitiKitty is a company that produces cat toilet training products. It appeared on Shark Tank in 2018 and was valued at $666,000. As of 2022, CitiKitty’s net worth is estimated to be above $1 million.

The company has seen sales revenues of $115K in its first year, and Rebecca sought $100,000 for a 15% stake in the company on Shark Tank.

What is CitiKitty and Who is the Founder of CitiKitty?

CitiKitty is a method of potty training indoor cats without a litter box. It includes a set of rings that fit on top of a toilet bowl, which can be removed once the cat is fully trained.

The creator of CitiKitty is Rebecca Rescate, a well-known entrepreneur from Bristol, Pennsylvania, who has founded or co-founded six companies.

Rescate discovered her passion for consumer goods at a young age and studied graphic design in college. She worked in marketing for a software company but realized that graphic design was not for her.

In 2004, Rescate, her husband, and their cat Samantha moved to a 500-square-foot apartment in New York. Rescate wanted to potty train her cat to use the toilet because there was no space for a litter box in their small apartment.

After reading several success stories about well-trained cats using makeshift toilet gadgets, she was convinced that she could potty train her cat as well.

However, she encountered a lack of reliable training kits and specialized supplies. Rescate believed that she could simplify the training process and recognized that many other people likely faced the same issue but did not have the time to teach their cats to use the toilet.

With this in mind, she developed the first affordable and easy-to-use training kit, which became a successful product known as CitiKitty.

CitiKitty Shark Tank Pitch

During season 2 episode 9 of Shark Tank, Rebecca presented the CitiKitty Company and requested $100,000 for a 15% share of the business, valuing it at $666,666.66.

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She discussed the product’s details and revealed that CitiKitty sells for $29.99 per item and costs only $5 to manufacture. Since the business started, Rebecca has sold more than 40,000 items and is expected to earn $350k in revenue for the current year, up from $225k the previous year.

The company had made almost $1.4 million in CitiKitty training ticket sales without any advertising costs. Rebecca had invested $20k in the business and continued to reinvest her profits.

During the pitch, Robert Herjavec and Daymond John both withdrew from the opportunity. Kevin Harrington admired the broad appeal of CitiKitty and offered $100k for a 40% share, but Rebecca negotiated with him to settle on $100k for a 25% stake in the business.

Barbara also expressed interest and offered $100k for 15% of the business, but with the condition that her television partner approved the sale. However, Rebecca chose to partner with Harrington since he had greater television influence, and they eventually agreed to a deal of $100k for a 20% stake in the business.

After the show, CitiKitty became one of the most successful products ever featured on Shark Tank, and Rebecca was invited back to the show in season 3 for an update. She also returned to the tank in season 4 with a new product, making her the first entrepreneur to do so.

The CitiKitty product line expanded to include cat treats and a flushable kitty litter to be used during the potty training process. The cat potty training kit became Amazon’s #1 Best Seller in the Home & Garden category.



CitiKitty Net Worth

Rebecca appears on Shark Tank in search of $100,000 in exchange for a 15% stake in the CitiKitty Company. This demonstrates a $666,666.66. She accepted an offer from Kevin Harrington of $100,000 for 20% thus valuing at $500,000.

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CitiKitty Competitors

Moore Pet Supplies is the Competitor of CitiKitty.

Table Summary: Citikitty Shark Tank

Name CitiKitty
Type of product Cat toilet training kit
Founder Rebecca Rescate
Year founded 2004
Valuation on Shark Tank $666,000 for a 15% stake in the company
Sales revenues in first year $115,000
Requested investment on Shark Tank $100,000 for a 15% stake in the company, valuing it at $666,666.66
Investment received on Shark Tank $100,000 for a 20% stake in the company, valuing it at $500,000
Net worth as of 2022 Estimated to be above $1 million
Competitor Moore Pet Supplies
Sales as of 2022 Close to $16 million in lifetime sales
Update on Shark Tank Appeared on season 2 episode 9, accepted offer from Kevin Harrington of $100,000 for a 20% stake in the company
CitiKitty became one of the most successful products ever featured on Shark Tank
Rebecca returned to Shark Tank in season 3 for an update and in season 4 with a new product
CitiKitty’s product line expanded to include cat treats and a flushable kitty litter to be used during potty training
Rebecca now helps others develop brands for an equity stake

CitiKitty Shark Tank Updates

CitiKitty is a cat toilet training kit that has a series of removable rings that fit in the toilet bowl, gradually increasing the opening in the bowl. In Season 2 Episode 9 of Shark Tank, Rebecca Rescate appeared seeking $100,000 for 15% of her business.

She sold over 40,000 units to the tune of $1.4 million prior to her air date, and all sales were from her website with virtually no advertising or marketing. Kevin Harrington agreed to invest $100,000 for a 20% stake in CitiKitty.

After appearing on Shark Tank, CitiKitty became an even bigger success, with Rebecca selling millions of dollars worth of product and CitiKitty becoming a household name.

Rebecca was featured in an update segment in episode 307 in season 3, and she returned to the tank with a new product in episode 415 in season 4. As of November 2022, CitiKitty is still in business and has sold close to $16 million in lifetime sales. Rebecca now helps others develop brands for an equity stake.

In a Shark Tank update on the CitiKitty website, it is mentioned that the likelihood of any business to make it to the 10-year mark is just 33%, and running a business is not easy.

However, CitiKitty is still in business seven years after appearing on Shark Tank4. The net worth of CitiKitty is above $1 million as of 2022.

CitiKitty FAQS

What Is CitiKitty And How Does It Work?

CitiKitty is a cat toilet training kit that allows cat owners to train their cats to use the toilet instead of a litter box. The kit includes a series of removable rings that fit in the toilet bowl, which gradually increase the opening in the toilet so the cat becomes more comfortable using it over a litter box.

The training program is designed to address several issues that cats have at first, namely not wanting to perch themselves on the toilet seat in order to go. The CitiKitty concept is endorsed by veterinarians, cat behaviorists, and celebrities.

To use the CitiKitty kit, cat owners start by giving their cat a good-sized litter tray, and then gradually removing the center until they’re hovering over the toilet.

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The training process is five weeks long, and the kit includes a step-by-step guide to help cat owners train their cats. The CitiKitty kit can be found for less than $30, either at the official site or at Amazon.

Who founded CitiKitty?

Rebecca Rescate.

What Is Included In The CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit?

The CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit includes a series of removable rings that fit in the toilet bowl and gradually increase the opening in the toilet so the cat becomes more comfortable using it over a litter box.

The kit uses a proven, disappearing litter box technique that has successfully toilet trained cats for decades and is endorsed by veterinarians, cat behaviorists, and celebrities.

The training program lasts for five weeks and is designed to address several issues that cats have at first, such as not wanting to perch themselves on the toilet seat in order to go. The kit is made in the USA with environmentally sourced and recycled materials.

What Was The Outcome Of The CitiKitty Shark Tank Pitch?

During the Shark Tank pitch, Rebecca Rescate presented the CitiKitty Company and requested $100,000 for a 15% share of the business, valuing it at $666,666.66. Kevin Harrington agreed to invest $100,000 for a 20% stake in CitiKitty.

After its appearance on Shark Tank, CitiKitty brought in $350,000 in one month. The sales and popularity of CitiKitty skyrocketed after its appearance on Shark Tank. According to a recent article, the net worth of CitiKitty is above $1 million as of 2022. CitiKitty is still in business.

What Happened To CitiKitty After Its Appearance At The Shark Tank?

After appearing on Shark Tank and making a deal with Kevin Harrington, CitiKitty was on the high road to success. CitiKitty brought in $350,000 in one month after its appearance on Shark Tank.

According to a recent article, the net worth of CitiKitty is above $1 million as of 2022. CitiKitty has generally done well in the business world and made a name for itself, making its presence on Shark Tank a delightful success story.

CitiKitty is still in business seven years after its appearance on Shark Tank. As of 2023, the likelihood of CitiKitty (or any business) to make it to the 10-year mark is just 33%.

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How much was she asking in the Shark Tank Pitch?

She was seeking $100,000 for a 10% stake in the company.

Did she get the deal from the Shark Tank?

She got $100,000 for 20% stake from Kevin Harrington.

What is net worth of Rebecca Rescate?


How long does it take to train a cat to use the toilet?

Toilet training a cat typically takes 3-6 weeks.

Is potty training a cat truly effective?

The potty training approach is so good that Lapidge asserts that toilet training a cat takes less time than teaching a child.

Where is CitiKitty Manufactured?

CitiKitty is proudly created in the United States of America.

Can they train numerous cats concurrently?

Yes, CitiKitty has trained clients to train up to four cats concurrently.

Is the training seat compatible with my toilet?

Yes, the training seat is compatible with normal toilets, including those with longer bowls and foreign toilets.

Is their cat too young to learn to use the toilet?

Before potty training, they recommend that the cat be at least three months old and trained to use a litter box.

Is their cat too old to learn to use the toilet?

As long as their cat is healthy and uses the litter box properly, they can train them to use the toilet.

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Is their cat too large to train to use the toilet?

The CitiKitty Training Seat is suitable for cats weighing up to 25 pounds; the average cat weighs between 10 and 12 pounds.

If their cat is capable of jumping up on the toilet, they can potty train them.

Can they toilet train their clawed/declawed cat?

Yes, potty training is possible for both clawed and declawed cats.

Can they toilet train my cat if I have only one bathroom?

Yes, the CitiKitty Toilet Training Kit is designed for households with one or more bathrooms. CitiKitty’s Training Seat may be removed for human use from their toilet.

They are moving soon. Should they train their cat before or after they move?

They suggest that their cat be trained after they have settled into their new house. Their cat will develop new bathroom habits as a result of this new residence.

They are traveling – who is going to flush?

This is an excellent opportunity to get a CitiKitty Automatic Toilet Flusher. Their unique flusher will automatically flush their toilet once day and also has flush settings for them.

Should they train using flushable litter?

Yes, CitiKitty suggests training with flushable cat litter. CitiKitty suggests Better Way Flushable Litter, Cat’s Pride Scoopable (all-clay flushable litter), World’s Best Cat Litter (all-clay flushable litter), Swheat Scoop (all-clay flushable litter), and Feline Pine.

Will they be required to keep CitiKitty on their toilet once the training is complete?

Once the operation is complete, their cat will require nothing more than a good clean toilet and a little bit of solitude.

What if their cat consumes toilet water?

Cats adore cool, fresh water. Consider investing in a cat water fountain for their feline companion. They will be grateful.

Their cat is afflicted with several health problems. Are they able to be potty trained?

Toilet training is not suggested for cats that have health problems such as urinary tract infections or arthritis.

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Do they have a Training Forum for CitiKitty?

Yes, please visit

How can they contact them?

For more information or want to stock CitiKitty? Call them at 1-866-237-0455 or email

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