A Full List Commonwealth Members

The Commonwealth

Definition: A voluntary association of independent states which were formerly colonised by Britain. They were protectorates, colonies or dominions.

Common Features Of The Commonwealth Member States

  • They all acknowledge the British Queen as the – head
  • Have similar education systems
  • Share a common language, English
  • Regular consultation between Heads of State
  • Regularly consult and exchange information in the fields of finance, technical assistance, science, trade and education.
  • Have adopted similar forms of government’s i.e. parliamentary governments
  • Practice universal adult suffrage
  • Maintain close economic ties
  • Have similar legal features
  • They constitute a power bloc, with its own standards and ideals.
Commonwealth Members
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Commonwealth Members

The list Below Shows the Countries That Form the Commonwealth

Commonwealth Members
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  1. Botswana
  2. New Zealand
  3. Australia
  4. Ghana
  5. Kenya
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Lesotho
  8. Singapore
  9. Belize
  10. Mauritius
  11. Sri Lanka
  12. Brunei
  13. Seychelles
  14. Canada
  15. Cyprus
  16. Swaziland
  17. Vanualu
  18. Grenada
  19. Zambia
  20. Pakistan
  21. India
  22. Jamaica
  23. Kiribati
  24. Malaysia
  25. Maldives
  26. Malta
  27. Nauru
  28. Antiqua and
  29. Bermuda
  30. Gambia
  31. Papua New
  32. Guinea
  33. The Bahamas
  34. St. Christopher-Nevis
  35. St. Lucia
  36. Barbados
  37. Malawi
  38. Solomon Islands
  39. Britain
  40. Nigeria
  41. Tanga
  42. Antiqua and
  43. Bermuda
  44. Gambia
  45. Papua New Guinea
  46. The Bahamas
  47. St. ChristopherNevis
  48. St. Lucia
  49. Barbados
  50. Malawi
  51. Solomon Islands
  52. Britain
  53. Nigeria
  54. Tanga
  55. Trinidad and Tobago
  56. Sierra-Leone
  57. Tuvalu
  58. Dominica
  59. Tanzania
  60. Western Samoa
  61. Guyana
  62. Zimbabwe
  63. Namibia
  64. South Africa
  65. Cameroon
  66. Mozambique
  67. Togo
  68. Fiji

Principles and Ideals of the Commonwealth

  • Support the UNO in its endeavor to maintain world peace
  • Respect the rights of the individual and equality of all
  • Support human dignity and equality
  • Against colonialism and racial discrimination
  • Work for the free flow of international trade
  • Attempt to remove disparities in wealth among nations worldwide
  • Belief in international cooperation.

Advantages of Commonwealth Membership

  1. Giving financial assistance to member states
  2. Trading among the members
  3. Provision of training facilities e.g. by Canada, Hong Kong to less developed countries
  4. Developing countries have also benefited from the provision of scholarships e.g. in universities
  5. Members of the commonwealth can speak with one voice in international affairs
  6. Interaction in games, cultural exchange programmes e.t.c.
  7. Member states benefit from technical knowhow, advice and expertise in various fields
  8. The commonwealth peace-keeping forces help to maintain peace among member states
  9. Fostering of friendship and understandings among member states
  10. Promote democratic activities in member countries e.g. Kenya
  11. Legal cooperation and information
  12. Cooperation in the field of health.

Challenges Facing The Commonwealth

  • Withdrawal of some countries from the organization e.g. South Africa, Pakistan
  • Trade imbalances between the developed and developing countries within the organization
  • Political upheavals in developing countries having created tension among some member states
  • Member states of the Commonwealth also belong to other organizations e.g. OAU
  • Shortage of funds
  • Frontier disputes between member states e.g. India and Pakistan over Kashmir
  • Implementation of decisions relies on goodwill of members.

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