Daniel Goleman Leadership Styles
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Daniel Goleman Leadership Styles

Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee  developed six distinct emotional leadership styles  and wrote them in  their 2002 book, “Primal Leadership.” Each of these leadership styles has a different effect on people’s emotions, and each has strengths and weaknesses in different situations.

The four leadership styles, including; Authoritative, Affiliative, Coaching, and Democratic, promote harmony and positive outcomes. The other two styles; Coercive and Pacesetting, can create tension and can only be used in specific situations.

Daniel Goleman and the other co-authors argue that no one style should be used all of the time. Instead, the six styles should be used interchangeably, depending on the specific needs of the situation and the people you’re dealing with.

Emotional Intelligence  Leadership

Emotional intelligence is actually a set of skills and competencies that distinguishes how people manage feelings, interact, and communicate.

Anyone can acquire these skills and competencies.

Daniel Goleman argues that a leader can have leadership intelligence, spiritual intelligence, sociological intelligence, and emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively. It reflects the amount of awareness that you have and emotions and the relationship of emotions to the environment that you’re in.

It consists of four fundamental capabilities.

  • Self-Awareness,
  • Self-Management,
  • Social Awareness And
  • Social Skills.

Daniel Goleman Self-Awareness

Self-awareness involves things like being aware of your own emotions. At any given time, someone who is not aware of their own emotions will lose control of their feelings. They will become angry when anger is not appropriate, or perhaps they won’t be able to use anger when anger is an appropriate response, and it can be a time.

Self-awareness also means being able to have an accurate self-assessment, not being too forgiving with yourself or judging yourself; there are times when you can go too far in either direction. We’ve seen too many leaders who don’t put enough responsibility on their shoulders for problems that exist. That’s an example of not assessing their contribution to us to a situation realistically,

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Another part of self-awareness is having self-confidence,  a healthy and positive sense of self-worth.

Daniel Goleman Self-Management

 Self-management involves self-control, keeping your emotions in check, and not going with every emotional impulse you have.

Trustworthiness is part of self-management, conscientiousness, or is the ability to manage yourself and your responsibilities.

Adaptability is part of self-management in emotional intelligence, achievement orientation, and taking the initiative.

Daniel Goleman Social Awareness.

Social awareness means being aware not of your feelings but the feelings of others.

Empathy is an integral part of emotional intelligence. Understanding and relating to others’ feelings to sense other people’s emotions and take an active interest in their concerns.

Organizational awareness is part of social awareness that involves reading the currents of organizational life and sense your team’s morale.

Are people encouraged or discouraged if the leader is not socially aware, they will miss some very important cues or clues that that, uh, they shouldn’t be ignoring that will tell them how their team is doing?

Having a service orientation is part of social awareness and recognizing and meeting your team members’ needs or customers.

Daniel Goleman Social Skills

Social skills involve visionary leadership, which can take charge and inspire with a compelling vision, being able to use your influence effectively to develop others, communicating well, knowing when it’s appropriate to share information with others and when it’s appropriate not to

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Understanding the risks of not giving information to people who need to know is part of emotional intelligence’s social skill element.

Managing conflict, managing change, building trust and building bonds, building teamwork and collaboration are part of the social skills element of emotional intelligence.

It has been said that having a highly developed emotional intelligence is more is the most important part of the leader’s skills.

It is more than their public speaking ability or their raw intelligence in the matter, or their ability to memorize facts. Many famous leaders have stated that emotional intelligence is the most important skill that leaders possess.

Emotional intelligence is essential for a skilled negotiator not to become flustered but to seek others’ benefit that requires emotional intelligence.

Daniel Goleman 6 Leadership Styles

Daniel Goleman is a leading psychologist in business psychology, and he talks about emotional intelligence just like you have IQ (intelligence quotient), just how smart you are.

He argues that leaders who have mastered four or more leadership styles, especially the authoritative leadership, democratic, affiliative, and coaching styles, have the very best climate and business performance. The most effective leaders switched flexibly among the leadership styles as needed.

Overall, those leadership styles are;

  1. Coercive Leadership Style;  leading by force
  2. Authoritative Leadership Style; which is leading with power
  3. Affiliative  Leadership style; leading through relationship
  4. Democratic Leadership style;, leading by agreement
  5. Pacesetting Leadership Style; which is leading through example, and
  6. Coaching Leadership Style, which is leading through advice.

Daniel Goleman Leadership Styles
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Goleman Coercive Leadership Style

The coercive leadership style is basically to demand immediate obedience. The coercive style will tell the leader will tell the followers;

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Just do what I ask you to do.

They use reward and punishment as motivating to motivate.

The underlying emotional intelligence competency is a drive to achieve. This is a good thing initiative, self-control, ability to control others.

Goleman Coercive Leadership Style Application Example

The coercive leadership style is best used in a crisis, and very quick action is needed. The leader is confident that they know the correct action to get out of the crisis or kick start, turn around, or deal with problem employees.

However, you must bear in mind that the overall impact on climate. A leader who uses the coercive style over the long term will be a negative impact. It will hurt the team’s performance. We think of dictators as coercive leaders because dictators are best known for using this style and this style only.

But the thing to remember is that if coercive leadership is used all the time, it will break many things.

Goleman Authoritative Leadership Style

The authoritative style is when a leader can mobilize people towards a vision through compellingly and authoritative voice.

The authoritative style’s underlying emotional intelligence competencies are self-confidence, self-confidence, empathy, and bringing about change and catalyze change.

The authoritative style works best when changes are required, and the company has a new vision. It needs a clear and compelling direction. This is when you want to speak authoritatively.

The authoritative style overall has a positive impact on the climate. It’s the most strongly positive leadership style because it appeals to people rather than controls or dominates people.

Authority in the authoritative style can come from your position or your character. It may come because of your vast expertise, and it comes from your confidence. There’s an expression that says all authority is derived. What that means is that authority comes from some higher authority.

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Goleman Authoritative Leadership Style Example

A simple police officer can have great authority because he gets his authority from the law, and if he’s acting against the law, he won’t be acting with authority, then.

So, authority is not merely having the seed of prominence or a position of authority; sometimes, authority comes from other things. But leaders who know how to use authority, whatever its source, will be able to lead their people with the clearest vision of the best possible outcome for the future.

Affiliative Leadership Style

The affiliative Leadership Style is to create harmony and build emotional bonds. The style is encapsulated in the phrases;

People come first.

They are people who use empathy, building relationships, and good, strong positive communication. By communicating well, they bring people together.

 Affiliative Leadership Style Example

This kind of style is best used when there is a division or a rift in the team that needs to be healed or, during times of great stress, to motivate people by creating harmony by drawing people together to work together.

The overall impact on the climate of the team of this kind of style will be positive.

The affiliative leader is a community builder who builds on shared values, and any time you build on shared values, you strengthen the culture and the team’s overall climate.

Disadvantages of Affiliative Leadership Style

affiliate leadership style may be best suited in a result focus environment.  The style of leadership can severely affect the performance of the business if there is no emotional bond.

Goleman Democratic Leadership Style

The Democratic leadership style prefers to forge consensus through participation. This may look a little bit like the affiliative style, but there are some differences.

The Democratic leader might be driven more by high ideals and ideas more than shared values.

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A Style, in a phrase, is ;

What do you think?

A democratic leader will draw into the conversation the thoughts of as many people as he or she can.

Their underlying emotional intelligence competencies involved collaboration, team leadership, and team building.

Again, communication and information are shared freely in a democratic system. You can’t have a democratic system if the information is hidden away with only a few.

Democratic Leadership Style Example

Goleman Democratic Leadership style works best when you want to build consensus, when you want to build what we call by in and want members of the team to have bought into the idea to the vision, to the purpose of the team, to the team’s objectives.

It also works best when you want to get input from valid from valuable employees.

The overall impact of this style on the team’s climate will be positive most of the time.

 Pacesetting Leadership Style

Goleman’s Pacesetting style of leadership sets high standards for performance, and in a phrase, they will say,’

Do as I do now or come on, Keep up with me.

The underlying emotional intelligence competencies of this style are conscientiousness, Drive to achieve, and initiative. 

Initiative means not waiting around for somebody else to act but to act first to lead the way to run out in front.

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 Pacesetting Leadership Style Example

This style works best to get quick results from a highly motivated and competent team. If the team is highly motivated and highly competent, they will keep up with the leader as they run out ahead, setting a fast pace for the team.

The overall impact on the climate of the team of this style, however, can be negative. It often is negative. It is a positive thing in those situations when you have a highly motivated and competent team. But it becomes negative when the team itself is not highly motivated at that time, or it lacks individual competencies. You’ll have a leader who runs far ahead of the pack, leaving people behind. This is a negative aspect.

If the Pacesetting style is the only style that the team leader uses or uses this style at the wrong time, pacesetting leaders contend with being impatient with slow looter, slow learners, and will if they have.

They will easily choose to leave someone behind if they aren’t keeping up, especially if they think that slowing down will jeopardize success.

If pacesetting is your preferred leadership style, you’ll want to balance your leadership toolbox with some of the other more positive, overall positive types of leadership.

Goleman Coaching Leadership Style

Goleman’s Coaching leadership style is a style to develop people for the future. The style, in a phrase, is;

Try this. How about that idea? How do you think that will work? Do you want to try something new?

Coaching leadership style underlying emotional intelligence competencies is developing others to have empathy with others in the level of knowledge or competency that they have currently and to develop them and then self-awareness.

Coaching leadership style Example

This style works best to help employees improve performance or to develop long term strengths.

This style has an overall positive impact on the team’s climate because it strengthens individual teams to be team members to do better. When individual team members are doing better, the team itself will do better.

Coaching works on the individual team members and can help develop the team’s performance and long-term strength as a group. So, the leadership style can help to lead individuals and groups.

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According to Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, there are six emotional leadership styles – Authoritative, Coaching, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Coercive. Each style has a different effect on the emotions of the people that you’re leading.

Each style works best in different situations, resonating differently with your team and producing different results. Anyone can learn how to use these leadership styles. But it’s important to remember that these styles are meant to be used interchangeably, depending on your team’s needs and the situation.

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