Henrik Dahl Minerva Lifestyle Model
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Henrik Dahl Minerva Lifestyle Model | Segmentation Model


Henrik Dahl is a sociologist and researcher from Denmark who in the 1990s developed the People’s lifestyles model called the Minerva Lifestyle Model.   In 1997, Henrik Dahl was chief of research at the Danish company AC. Nielsen.

Henrik Dahl Minerva Model is a theoretical segmentation model that places people in certain categories according to their basic personality values. The model has two dimensions on the vertical axis;

  • Pragmatic /materialism on the left side west.
  • Idealistic on the right side east.

It also has two dimensions on the horizontal axis, namely.

  • Modern on the upper part north and
  • Traditional on the lower part south.

With this, we have four different types of values.

Henrik Dahl Minerva Lifestyle Model
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The model is a model for segmentation, and it divides people into groups where they have identical patterns towards their attitudes to life, especially towards buying behavior.

Modern and Traditional

In north and south, we have theocracies. It values modern and traditional.

Modern; We understand people who are keen on new technology and welcome everything that is new.

The traditional: people are opposed to many of the new technologies and often a bit scared of all the new developments that are taking place, they appreciate traditions and good old-fashioned values.

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Idealism and Materialism

Looking at the vertical dimension, we also have opposite values. The East Side represents idealism on the West, Materialism,

Idealistic: Idealistic persons care about sustainability and the environment. They also care about family and good living conditions.

Materialistic: The people who think materialistic only appreciate things like expensive cars and houses. They show their success through their purchases.

Minerva Lifestyle Model Four Values

In this division, we get four squares with some common values for those who are placed in the same fields in terms of value.

The four squares and segments are named

  • Blue 
  • Green
  • Rose
  • Violet

The grey in the middle is more recent and represents mainly young people who have not yet established lifestyle patterns.

Henrik Dahl Minerva Lifestyle Model
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Blue Segment- Individualism

People in the blue segment put emphasis on achieving results and career.

  • They care about innovation and development.
  • They often have a high to medium education and income.
  • The segment has a predominance of men.
  • Keywords for the blue segment, prestige, and career.
  • They think of themselves as results-oriented new technology, individual sports like tennis and golf. The blue businessman prefers to have a Porsche in his garage.

The Green Segment -Solidarity

The green people emphasize self-realization on the ability to change with time.

  • They disassociate from the popular and care about art, culture, and good books.
  • They have a high degree of idealism and care about animal welfare and ecology.
  • They worked primarily in the public sector, education, care, and administration.
  • Have a medium income.
  • The segment has a small predominance of Women.
  • Keywords engagement, community-oriented, idealistic self-realization, interested in culture. The green person prefers to have an environmentally friendly car in the garage, for instance, a Tesla.

The Rose Segment -Tradition

The Rose People emphasize commitment and ideals.

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  • They work for a better world, and in their daily life, they care about family, friends, and relations.
  • Often, they involved themselves in associations and clubs—for instance, the Lions Club.
  • Traditions are important to the Rose segment on they are slightly insecure about changes in the environment.
  • They have a great interest in health and spirituals values.
  • Education and income are below average professionally.
  • They work with health and family-related jobs.
  • The segment predominates women keywords, tradition, family concern for the local area, fear of technology, and domestic chores like needlework.
  • The Rose woman prefers to have a small car in her carriage, for instance, a VW Polo.

The Violent Segment- Materialism

The violent people attach importance to everyday practical tasks and are not interested in communities beyond family and friends.

  • The violent person has a national mindset on advocates tradition.
  • The educational level is often craftsmanship.
  • The violet person often works in the primary industries and crafts.
  • He thinks, as the man from the blue segment in terms of materialism, and works hard to afford things.
  • Income is at the low end of the spectrum.
  • The violent segment has a predominance of men.
  • Keywords, practitioners, national mindset, often positive towards the royal family kingdoms, Practical training, fear of change, camping, or all-inclusive holiday. The violent man prefers to have an older Mercedes in his garage.

The Gray Segment.

The gray segment was added to the model several years later. This segment consists of young people who have not yet found their own preferred lifestyle.

  • Entertainment is very important on the television on the Web and different social media.
  • Keywords; media-oriented perplexity, enjoyment

 Application of Minerva Model

The Minerva model is relatively simple to use in segmentation and in decision making about media choices on other decisions related to marketing activities.

However, the model is used best in combination with the traditional socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, education, income, family structure, and living conditions, place of residence.

Criticism of Minerva Model


  • The model is very simple, and it is important to remember that the characteristics of the four main segments that we have gone through are an expression of extremes.
  • A person can actually be placed between the blue and the violet and thereby be more traditional in mindset than a clear blue.

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