Importance of Exercise

Exercise is one such aspect that is not just having physical benefits but has a wide range of mental health benefits.  Inside your brain, exercise will be stimulating certain chemicals that will improve your mood and so as different other parts of the brain that are accountable for learning and memory.

Importance of Exercise
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What are the Major Benefits of exercise?

Exercise and physical activity have so many benefits, such as:

  • Even though if you are not feeling fine, it makes you feel extra better and healthy
  • It even reduces the risk of having any sort of health illnesses such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, lung cancer, or Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Through physical activities, you can also help your body to get easily recover from strokes or any other sort of illness condition.
  • If you are looking forward to losing weight naturally, then choosing the way of healthy physical exercises is the best option for you.

Overview of Mental health benefits of exercise

Certain chemicals are released through exercises, such as endorphins as well as serotonin. These chemicals play an important role in improving your whole mood.  It even allows you to boost your personality and confidence in moving out in the world and reduce the level of loneliness or isolation you feel. 

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Through the habit of daily exercise, you are reducing the level of stress and even helping your body to get rid of different t mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.  It brings an excellent improvement in your sleeping routine in so many ways.

Relationship between Exercise and Mind

Exercise is accountable for pumping the blood inside your brain, helping you understand different clearly.  It also increases the hippocampus’s overall size, which is an important part of your brain performing the act of memory. Plus, it helps you to increase and improve a connection between different nerve cells inside your brain.

For how long time you need to do exercise?

It has been recommended by some professional doctors that you should perform the exercise for at least 30 minutes on a daily basis in which you need to add as moderate to intensive physical activities.  It is not important to perform 30 minutes constantly in one go. You can divide the minute in which you can exercise 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening session.  This will help your body to stay fresh, energetic, free from stress, and bring a certain improvement in your mental health.

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Being a beginner, you can perform some light exercises which are not involving any sort of machinery or exercise equipment.  You can start with a brisk, light walk early morning with your dog or can do some lightweight exercises at home. Yoga can also play an equally important role in reducing stress and anxiety naturally.

So consult your health specialist or gym trainer right now and start performing some healthy exercises on a daily basis to get magical relief from stress and mental health issues.

6 types of exercises you should do according to your age

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Our bodies and souls change in a dizzying way, and against that, nobody can do anything. Sure, things will change. Among them how we exercise.

These routines are ideal for every stage of life. However, you must take into account that the weight, speed, and repetitions that you follow must correspond to the physical condition in which you find yourself.

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That is why you must ask your instructor for the precise quantity indications and ask him for help to explain how to do it: the wrong execution of any of these steps could seriously hurt you.

Stage 1 (19-20 years old)

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Yes, everyone has told you, “It is the best age to exercise your body.” You must believe them. In these years, your metabolism has an unmatched activity, so it prevents you from gaining weight so easily and from exaggeratedly accumulating fat.

It is the right time to start gaining muscle mass. The energy and strength of your body will help you not get tired so quickly.


  • Exercise:  Dumbbell Chest Press
  • Reps: 3 sets of 12 reps


  • Exercise:  Back pull with pulley (open grip)
  • Reps: 3 sets of 12 reps


  • Exercise:  Dumbbell Lateral Flexion
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  • Reps: 3 sets of 15 reps with less weight


  • Exercise:  Alternate dumbbell curl, hammer style
  • Reps: 3 sets of 12 reps


  • Exercise:  Dumbbell extension in lying position, medium grip
  • Reps: 3 sets of 12 reps


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  • Exercise:  V-sit ups, lying on the floor with your legs elevated
  • Reps: 3 sets of 20 reps

Stage 2 (26-35 years old)

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The years have already wreak some havoc. Your metabolism has slowed down a bit, and it is not as easy to lose weight as before. Your tissues have lost stiffness, and fat accumulates more between them. But don’t think that everything is lost. Functional and strength training will help you exercise and maintain your figure—all you will do with increased load.


  • Exercise:  Press the horizontal bar with the Olympic and Fly dumbbell with open arms at an angle of 45 °.
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  • Reps: 4 sets of 12 reps.


  • Exercise:  Horizontal row with a pulley and vertical Pull with closed grip on a pulley. The back should be contracted in such a way that the bar approaches the chest.
  • Reps: 4 sets of 12 reps.


  • Exercise:   Dumbbell Shoulder Press Seated on a Vertical Bench and Front Barbell Flex, this standing with a small integrated weight bar.
  • Reps: 4 sets of 12 reps.


  • Exercise:  Curl with low pulley, supine grip (palms up) and Elbow extension with prone grip (palms down) with a high pulley
  • Reps: 4 sets of 12 reps


  • Exercise:  Concentrated dumbbell curl, this unilaterally (do it on both sides) and Elbow extension with a unilateral dumbbell, with a medium grip, sitting or standing
  • Reps: 4 sets of 12 reps


  • Exercise:  Double crunch, lying with the pelvic and thoracic part
  • Reps: do 4 sets of 30 reps

As you can see, taking care of yourself is not difficult if you know how to do it the right way. Remember (again) that it is always important to have a personal trainer. Only he can tell you how to do the exercises without hurting your body.

Do not exercise because you hate your body, but because you love it. There is nothing wrong with growing up or leaving behind the teenage years; It is a natural process that does not have to be a reason for you not to take care of yourself.

30-Minute Outdoor Workout

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If you like to do short and intense workouts, find out how you can enhance a 30-minute outdoor workout.

As a way of replacing the gym with the open air, we increasingly see outdoor training as a great alternative to traditional training machines and gym weights. For those who like to put on their sneakers and go out on the street, a 30-minute outdoor workout is a great option.

However, do not forget that there will be factors that will have to control, as the place where he trains, the equipment available, and the time that your workout will last. It is important to make sure that you first have the ideal conditions to train, knowing that you will be able to complete your training without any interruption or impediment.

Benefits of Training Outdoors

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If you spend day after day sitting in an office working, you certainly already feel a kind of anticipated claustrophobia when thinking about gyms and their four walls. A good way to get around this problem is to switch your training location to outdoor spaces.

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Training outdoors will help you reduce stress and release tension accumulated with fresh air and the space at your disposal. And the truth is that more and more we find proper places for the practice of physical activity outdoors, either close to home or in the nearest park.

30-Minute Outdoor Workout

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If you have your comfortable clothes, running shoes, and a water bottle for your outdoor workout, you only need a skipping rope. Jumping rope has numerous benefits and is an excellent ally to control your training intensity.

30-minute outdoor training example

Skipping rope

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Start your 30-minute outdoor workout by jumping the rope for 5 minutes.

Do a maximum of repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.

Do a maximum of repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.

Do maximum repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.

Do a maximum of repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.

Do a maximum of repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.

In the end, do 10 minutes of interval running.

Second Example:

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  1. Jump on the rope for 5 minutes.
  2. Do squats – maximum repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.
  3. Walking Lunge: maximum repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.
  4. Jackknife: maximum repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.
  5. Tricep Dips maximum repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.
  6. Jumping Jacks: maximum repetitions for 2 minutes with 1 minute of rest.

After finishing the course, end with:

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  • 10 minutes of interval running. Keep your stride at moderate intensity for 90 seconds and increase the stride to about 80 to 90% of your intensity for 30 seconds. Repeat this process five times to complete your 30-minute workout outdoors (4, 5).



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A balanced diet is half the battle for any goal. Suppose you usually train several times a week. In that case, it is essential to have an eating plan so that your body can respond to the desired stimuli, especially if you train at high intensities.


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On hot days, it is essential to keep your body hydrated. Drink water constantly so that your body does not feel thirsty. From the moment you feel thirsty, your body has needed water for a long time.


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Keeping 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily is more than enough to let your body recover. Remember that it is when you rest that your body regenerates and adapts to the training you have done, and if you cannot spend so many hours to sleep, take a short break during the day to take a short nap.

Weekly frequency

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Depending on the goal, some train more often during the week, and some train less often. Here the main factor is the time availability and commitment to your goal.

If you are looking for physical health, 2 to 3 workouts per week can encourage you to maintain a healthy diet. If you are looking to release stress and reduce anxiety, train as many times as you think is necessary. Finally, if your goal is aesthetic, you should adapt your training so that you have the training sufficient volume to be able to progress.

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