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Three Jerks Jerky Shark Tank Net Worth 2023

Daniel and Jordan entered the contest hoping to gain $100,000 for a 15% stake in Three Jerks Jerky. Ultimately, they accepted an offer of the same as that valuation brought their worth up to $666,666.67.

As of August 2022, the company is still in business but its founders have stepped away from the day-to-day operations and are instead focusing on their respective jobs.

What are Three Jerks Jerky?

Three Jerks Jerky is a company that specializes in top-quality jerky. What sets Three Jerks Beef Jerky apart from other types of beef jerky is that they exclusively use Filet Mignon, while most other beef jerky brands use the round cut (rump).

Since Filet Mignon is the most tender cut of meat, its jerky is exceptionally soft.

Barrocas began researching how to make his own jerky after eating some tough beef jerky one night.

Soon after, he and his former Emory College roommate, Fogelson, started producing beef jerky in their apartment using an old dehydrator that Barrocas’ mother had given him.

In no time, they were sharing their beef jerky with friends and family who couldn’t get enough of it.

As savvy entrepreneurs, they recognized their opportunity and began manufacturing their jerky in a commercial facility.

They obtained all necessary USDA clearances and got to work right away.

In mid-2013, they raised over $45,000 through a Kickstarter campaign to build their e-commerce site, create marketing materials and packaging, and produce enough inventory to start selling.

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A two-ounce package of Three Jerks beef jerky costs between $12 and $15, which is a small price to pay for the Filet Mignon of beef jerky. Daniel Fogelson and Jordan Barrocas are the co-founders of Three Jerks Jerky.

What happens to Three Jerks Jerky at the Shark Tank Pitch?

Daniel and Jordan entered a contest with the hope of winning $100,000 for a 15% stake in Three Jerks Jerky, which indicates a valuation of $666,666.67. While distributing samples of their jerky, they shared their story and explained why their product was unique. The Sharks on the panel seemed to love their jerky.

Three Jerks Beef Jerky had generated $350,000 in revenue in the last year, selling each pack at an average price of $11.99, which was more than double the price of typical gas station beef jerky. Although the cost of production for each pack was $3.20, they were not willing to reduce their price.

They were losing money by buying raw materials at the minimum purchase prices and were seeking the Sharks’ investment to purchase materials in bulk.

One of the things that set their jerky apart from others was that it was gluten-free, as most beef jerkies contain gluten. They believed that in order to expand, they needed to establish relationships with national chains.

The Sharks were curious about the third jerk, as the founders mentioned having a third partner who was a genuine jerk, whom they got rid of. Mr. Wonderful joked that the third jerk was “whacked.” Although the jerky market was competitive, Three Jerks was the only brand that used Filet Mignon.

Kevin offered $100,000 for 33% of the company, claiming that his price was fair. Mark was not interested in investing, as he found the market too competitive. Robert offered $100,000 for 20%, while Daymond and Lori both offered $100,000 for 20%.

Four Sharks had made identical offers, except for Kevin, who countered with $125,000 for 33%. The founders asked Kevin to match the other Sharks’ offers. Daymond then offered $100,000 for 17.5% and asked if he could be an active partner. Robert asked how much cash they required, and the founders replied with $200,000.

Kevin then offered $150,000 for 33%, and Daymond offered $100,000 for 15% with the possibility of another $100,000 for an additional 15%, but he needed an immediate response as he preferred decisive partners.

After a commercial break, Robert offered the same deal as Daymond with Lori, but the founders accepted Daymond’s offer. Daymond expressed his joy at being a “jerkologist” and investing in the company.

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What Happened to Three Jerks Jerky after the Shark Tank Pitch?

After partnering with Daymond, Daniel, and Jordan have been incredibly successful with their business, Three Jerks. They made $250K in sales on the night their deal aired, and since then, they have sold over 150,000 bags of jerky, totaling $1.4 million in revenue within three months.

However, their growth has not come without challenges, as their co-packer has struggled to keep up with the high demand.

Despite this obstacle, Daymond assures them that having too many sales is a good problem to have and introduces them to Rastelli Foods Group, a co-packer that can maintain quality and reduce costs. This partnership has allowed Three Jerks to reach new heights.

As of 2018, the company had expanded to over 3000 retail locations and even sent its jerky into space on SpaceX flights. As of August 2021, the business is still operating, but the founders have stepped away from day-to-day operations.

Daniel Barrocas now serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Direct Global Partners, while Jordan Fogelson is in operations at Malibu milk. The company’s annual revenue is now $4 million.

Three Jerks Jerky Shark Tank Updates

Three Jerks Jerky is a premium beef jerky company that appeared on Shark Tank in season 7. The company was founded in 2010 by three friends from college who wanted to make the best-tasting jerky using only the finest ingredients.

Three Jerks Jerky uses only filet mignon to produce its jerky, which makes it tender and of high quality. During their appearance on Shark Tank, the entrepreneurs asked for $100,000 for 15% equity in their company.

Daymond John invested $100,000 for 15% equity, with the option to buy another 15% equity for $100,000 later.

An update segment later in the season revealed that Three Jerks Jerky did about $1.4 million in sales three months after appearing on the show.

Daymond John helped the company change its co-packer, providing better supply to meet their rising demand.

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As of 2022, Three Jerks Jerky is still in business and has generated significant sales after appearing on Shark Tank. The company sold beef jerky worth $250,000 on the night it appeared on Shark Tank.

The current state of Three Jerks Jerky is a little ambiguous, requiring a bit of internet sleuthing to determine. A quick look at the company’s social media suggests that business may have slowed down a bit, or at least, its growth is no longer being publicly touted.

It’s Facebook and Instagram profiles were more recently updated, with Three Jerks Jerky posting in 2021.

Three Jerks Jerky Net Worth

Daniel and Jordan enter the contest wanting $100,000 for a 15% stake in Three Jerks Jerky. This shows a valuation of $666,666.67. They accepted an offer of the same.

Three Jerks Jerky Competitors

Three Jerks’ primary competitors are The Jerky Club and Chic’s Jerky.

Three Jerks Jerky Shark Tank Episode Summary

Company/Product Three Jerks Jerky 
Shark Tank Episode Shark Tank Season 7 Episode 5
Founder & Entrepreneur Jordan Barrocas and Daniel Fogelson
 Amount Asked For $100,000 for a 15% stake in Three Jerks Jerky
Deal: Accepted Offer $100,000 for 15% equity of the company.
The Shark Investor  Daymond John
Business Net Worth Company valuation of $666,666.67
Business Status The business is still in operations

Three Jerks Jerky FAQS

What is Three Jerks Jerky Shark Tank?

Three Jerks Jerky is a premium beef jerky company that uses only filet mignon to produce their jerky, which makes it tender and flavorful.

The company was founded by Daniel Fogelson and Jordan Barrocas, who started making homemade beef jerky from quality cuts of meat in their apartment with an old dehydrator Barrocas’ mother gave him.

They only use all-natural ingredients that you can pronounce, and their jerky contains no added MSG, artificial ingredients, preservatives, or sodium nitrates.

In 2015, Three Jerks Jerky appeared on Shark Tank seeking $100,000 for 15% equity. The Sharks loved the jerky, and Daymond John made a deal with the entrepreneurs for $100,000 for 15% equity, with the option to buy another 15% equity for $100,000 later.

In a Shark Tank update segment, it was confirmed that the deal went through, and John was an active third partner.

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The exposure from Shark Tank helped the company sell a quarter of a million dollars on the night it aired and $1.4 million in the three months since then, which translated to 150,000 bags of jerky. Today, Three Jerks Jerky is a successful company that sells its products nationwide.

How does Three Jerks Jerky Shark Tank work?

Three Jerks Jerky is a beef jerky company that uses only filet mignon to produce its jerky, which makes it tenderer than other beef jerky made from the round cut of meat.

The company was founded by Daniel Fogelson and Jordan Barrocas, who started making homemade beef jerky from quality cuts of meat in their apartment with an old dehydrator Barrocas’ mother gave him.

They appeared on Shark Tank in season 7, episode 5, and seeking $100,000 for 15% equity in their company. Daymond John made a deal with them, offering $100,000 for 15% equity, with the option to buy another 15% equity for $100,000 later.

After their appearance on Shark Tank, Three Jerks Jerky gained significant publicity and sold a quarter of a million dollars on the night their episode aired, and $1.4 million in the three months since then.

The deal with Daymond John went through, and he became an active third partner in the company. The price of a two-ounce bag of Three Jerks Jerky has dropped slightly to $11.19 each=

The company has cut ties with the third member, which is why the Sharks hilariously asked why the company is called Three Jerks Jerky when only two partners are involved in the business.

What happened to Three Jerks Jerky after Shark Tank?

Three Jerks Jerky is a premium beef jerky company that appeared on Shark Tank in 2015. The company’s founders, Jordan Barrocas and Daniel Fogelson, asked for $100,000 for 15% equity in their business.

They use only filet mignon to produce their jerky, which makes it tender and of high quality. The Sharks were impressed and Daymond John offered them $100,000 for 15% equity, with the option to buy another 15% equity for $100,000 later.

After their appearance on Shark Tank, Three Jerks Jerky experienced a surge in sales. In just three weeks, the company sold around 150,000 bags of jerky, equal to $1.4 million in revenue.

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However, the volume overwhelmed the brand’s production capacity, and they had to change their co-packer to provide better supply to meet their rising demand. The company’s annual revenue is now around $4 million.

As of 2022, Three Jerks Jerky is still in business and has generated significant sales after appearing on Shark Tank. The company sold $250,000 worth of beef jerky on the night it appeared on Shark Tank.

The company’s beef jerky is made from 100% grass-fed beef and is free of artificial ingredients, preservatives, or added sugar. Three Jerks Jerky is available in five flavor varieties: Original, Teriyaki, Memphis BBQ, Chipotle Adobo, and Maple Bourbon.

Is Three Jerks Jerky Shark Tank still in business?

Yes, Three Jerks Jerky is still in business as of 2022. The company was founded in 2010 by three friends from college who wanted to make the best-tasting jerky using only the finest ingredients.

Three Jerks Jerky is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and its beef jerky is made from 100% grass-fed beef and is free of artificial ingredients, preservatives, or added sugar.

The company’s jerky is available in five flavor varieties: Original, Teriyaki, Memphis BBQ, and Chipotle Adobo.

Three Jerks Jerky appeared on Shark Tank in season 7, where they asked for $100,000 for 15% equity. They received an offer from Daymond John for $100,000 for 15% equity, with the option to buy another 15% equity for $100,000 later, which they accepted.

Three months after appearing on the show, the company had generated about $1.4 million in sales. As of August 2022, the company is still in business, but its founders have stepped away from the day-to-day operations and both have jobs.

What is the current valuation of Three Jerks Jerky after Shark Tank?

Three Jerks Jerky appeared on Shark Tank and received an offer of $100,000 for a 15% stake in the company. This offer indicates a valuation of $666,666.67. However, it is unclear whether the deal was finalized or if the valuation changed after the show.

As of August 2022, the company is still in business, with annual sales of $4 million. The founders have stepped away from day-to-day operations and are focusing on their respective jobs.

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It is worth noting that not every business that appears on Shark Tank walks away with a deal. While the show provides significant publicity, the deals made on the show are not always finalized or may not be what the entrepreneurs wanted.

Therefore, it is possible that the valuation of Three Jerks Jerky may have changed after the show or that the deal was not finalized.

Who made a financial investment in Three Jerks jerky?

When Barrocas appeared on the ABC series “Shark Tank,” in which participants pitch company ideas to investors.

Daymond John contributed $100,000 in exchange for a 15% share in Three Jerks Jerky and billing in the company’s name.

What brand of beef jerky was shown on Shark Tank?

Jerky Three Jerks Jordan Barrocas and Daniel Fogelson, co-founders of Three Jerks Jerky, appeared on “Shark Tank” in 2015, seeking $100,000 in finance for 15% of their firm.

Does beef jerky have pork?

Beef jerky is a dehydrated beef product. There are three types of jerky: pig jerky, chicken jerky, and turkey jerky.

How come filet mignon is better?

Filet Mignon is the best steak available and comes from the most valuable portion of the animal. Filet Mignon is tender and buttery, putting other cuts of meat to shame.

How much jerkiness is contained in each bag?

Each jerky package includes precisely two ounces of Filet Mignon Beef Jerky.

Due to the method they manufacture and dehydrate their product, it should be about similar to 5 ounces of raw Filet Mignon.

How long is the jealousy?

If left unopened, their jerky can keep for up to 12 months.

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They recommend refrigerating after opening. It should keep for two weeks if properly kept. Each bag will also include a printed expiration date on the bottom.

Are there any artificial ingredients added?

Certainly not. None of their Filet Mignon Jerky varieties include nitrates, added MSG, or artificial preservatives.

Is the jerky gluten-free?

Nope, their whole line of Filet Mignon Jerky is gluten-free!

Is the jerky free of allergens?

They advise customers who are concerned about allergies to examine all ingredients before to purchase.

The following tastes have allergies that are often encountered. BUT, please, double-check all ingredients!

Authentic – Soy, Fish (Anchovies from Worcestershire Sauce)

N/A – Memphis Barbecue

Adobo Chipotle – Soy, Fish (Anchovies from Worcestershire Sauce)

Hamburger Burger Contains Soy and Fish (Anchovies from Worcestershire Sauce)

Churro de Bourbon de Maple – Soy

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What is the purpose of the fish in the jerky?

They omit seafood from their jerky. They use Worcestershire Sauce into several of their tastes, and their preferred Worcestershire Sauce contains anchovies.

How long will it take for their order to be shipped?

Generally, purchases are shipped within 24-48 hours after being placed (excluding weekends). It may take longer during moments of increased demand.

How much do shipping fees include?

At the pricing listed below, they provide the following shipping methods:

Shipping at a low cost (4 – 10 Business Days) – $5 for Standard Shipping, (3 – 5 Business Days) – $10 for Express Shipping.

My jerky arrived in imperfect condition! What do they do?

They regret if an issue happened during the shipping process and their item arrived damaged.

If this sad situation occurs, please snap a photo and call them immediately.

Kindly send them an email with their name, order number, and a detailed description of the issue. They will gladly assist them.

Is it possible for them to include a gift note with their order?

Regrettably, they are unable to add gift notes at the moment.

How can they contact Three Jerks Jerky?

They can contact through Email: and

Phone: 856-803-1100 x 175.

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