Cerebral Success Shark Tank Net Worth 2023

The net worth of Cerebral Success is unknown as of 2023 since the business is no longer in operation. The company was valued at around $190,000 when it appeared on Shark Tank in April 2014. Trevor Hiltbrand, the founder of Cerebral Success, has a net worth of [21 Million] USD as of 2023.

Trevor pitched his brain supplement to the Sharks on Shark Tank episode 522 and requested an investment of $75,000 in exchange for a 20% equity stake in Cerebral Success.

Barbara Corcoran offered him $75,000 for a 40% equity stake and they eventually reached an agreement. Trevor accepted an offer from Barbara of $75,000 for 40% ownership which indicates a valuation of $187,500.

After closing the deal with Barbara, Cerebral Success revenues doubled within days before the show aired.

Cerebral Success was featured on Barbara’s all-star update, in which she invited her most successful entrepreneurs to spend the day networking and having fun.

However, despite its initial success after appearing on Shark Tank, Cerebral Success went out of business in 2019 and the product is no longer available in the market.

What is Cerebral Success? Who Founded Cerebral Success?

Cerebral Success is a supplement that utilizes 12 nootropic substances to naturally enhance attention and memory.

Its creator, Trevor Hiltbrand, holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Brigham Young University and founded the company as a summer intern at a start-up after graduating.

Though he resigned from Cerebral Success in 2019, Trevor remains active as the CEO of a Utah-based firm specializing in DIY solar panel installations.

While in college, Trevor became interested in finding an alternative to Adderall for studying and conducted extensive research with the help of experts in the field.

After developing his own formula, he attempted but failed to obtain FDA clearance.

Despite this setback, Trevor continued to manufacture and sell his product on Amazon, quickly achieving success through positive customer feedback and rising to the top of the Brain Supplement List.

Seeking funding to further grow the business, Trevor ultimately found an investor to help support its continued success.

Cerebral Success Shark Tank Pitch

Trevor Hiltbrand is looking for support and funding from the investors on Shark Tank. He proposes to give a 20% stake in his company for $75,000, valuing his company at $375,000.

During his pitch, Trevor admits that he does not have scientific proof to support his claims. He has only conducted evaluations and studies on individual components, not on the whole product. He has sold 900 bottles of his product, which costs $70 each, and has a production cost of $10.

Trevor’s product is unique in that it targets college students, rather than older adults. However, Daymond is not convinced and withdraws from the deal.

Robert also walks away, expressing his lack of faith in the product. Mark questions the warning label, leading to a discussion about honesty.

Barbara defends Trevor, but Mr. Wonderful withdraws, stating that he does not believe he will get a return on his investment. Mark indicates that he would have invested if Trevor intended to use the funds for research, but he is now out.

Barbara offers Trevor $75,000 for 40% of the company, with the condition that he has no debt. Trevor counteroffers with 37%, but Barbara maintains her position, and Trevor accepts her initial offer.

Robert expresses his disappointment in Barbara’s investment decision, but Barbara defends her choice, stating that she believes the product can genuinely help people perform better.

After the deal, Barbara is able to distribute Trevor’s product to all GNC stores in the United States, and Trevor changes the name of his company to Smart X by Cerebral Success and updates the packaging.

In season seven, he is featured at Barbara’s Entrepreneur retreat in Cabo San Lucas. Trevor partners with GNC to fill shops around the country.

However, the company appears to have stopped production, as there is no official website, no mention of the product on GNC or Amazon, and the Facebook page has not been active since 2018.

Nevertheless, Trevor shut down operations in October 2019 and went on to found two other successful companies. He is currently the CEO of Project Solar, a direct-to-consumer solar panel company.

Cerebral Success Net Worth

Trevor pitches the Shark Tank for $75,000 in exchange for a 20% stake in his firm.

This equates to a $375,000 value. Trevor accepted an offer from Barbara of $75,000 for 40% ownership which indicates a valuation of $187,500.

Cerebral Success Competitors

Cerebral Success’s top competitors include CustomVite, Corr-Jensen (AbCuts), Elivar and PepPod

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Cerebral Success Shark Tank Updates

Cerebral Success is a brain supplement that aims to increase mental energy and alertness. The product was pitched on Shark Tank in season 5, episode 26 by its inventor and owner, Trevor Hiltbrand.

During the pitch, Trevor asked for $75,000 for 20% equity in his business, and Barbara Corcoran offered him $75,000 for 40% equity, which he accepted.

After the show, Barbara helped get Cerebral Success into all GNC stores across the United States, and the product was successful for a few months. However, Trevor did not get FDA clearance, sold illegal merchandise, and made illegal sales to students to achieve short-term success.

He then rebranded Cerebral Success to Smart X by Cerebral Success and redesigned the packaging. In season seven, he was featured in Barbara’s Entrepreneur retreat in Cabo San Lucas. However, Trevor closed down the business in October 2019.

As of April 2023, there is no recent update on Cerebral Success or Trevor Hiltbrand’s current business ventures.

Summary Table: Cerebral Success Shark Tank Net Worth 2023

Net Worth (2023) Unknown, the company is no longer in operation
Valuation during Shark Tank (2014) Around $190,000
Founder’s Net Worth (2023) $21 Million USD
Shark Tank Pitch Trevor proposed $75,000 for a 20% stake in the company, valued at $375,000
Shark Tank Deal Barbara Corcoran offered $75,000 for 40% of the company
Competitors CustomVite, Corr-Jensen (AbCuts), Elivar and PepPod
Updates Cerebral Success went out of business in 2019 due to illegal sales and a lack of FDA clearance. Founder, Trevor Hiltbrand, has since founded other companies, including Project Solar.

Cerebral Success FAQS

What is the product cerebral?

Cerebral is a brain supplement that helps increase mental energy, overall alertness, focus, and memory. It was designed by Trevor Hiltbrand, a college student at Brigham Young University, as a natural study aid to help him focus on his school work.

Cerebral Success contains 12 major nootropic ingredients that help organically increase brain function, stimulation, and memory. It is marketed as an alternative to Adderall, a prescription drug used for treating ADHD, which is being used illegally on college campuses in alarmingly increasing numbers.

Cerebral Success gained popularity after Trevor Hiltbrand pitched it on Shark Tank in 2014 and closed a deal with Barbara Corcoran. The product was sold online through the company’s website and Amazon, and garnered numerous positive reviews. However, it is unclear whether Cerebral Success is still in business.

It is important to note that there is another company called Cerebral that offers online therapy, mental health assessments, and expert care for anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other mental health issues.

What Happened To Cerebral Success After The Shark Tank Deal?

Cerebral Success is a brain supplement that claims to enhance mental energy and alertness. It was featured on Shark Tank in season 5, episode 26, where Trevor Hiltbrand pitched the product and requested $75,000 in exchange for a 20% stake in his business.

Barbara Corcoran made an offer of $75,000 for 40% equity, which Trevor ultimately accepted. Following the Shark Tank appearance, Barbara managed to get Cerebral Success into all GNC stores across the US.

Trevor rebranded the product to Smart X by Cerebral Success and revamped its packaging, resulting in good sales for several months.

Despite the fact that about 50% of the deals made on Shark Tank never come to fruition, Barbara did invest in Cerebral Success with Trevor Hiltbrand, and the deal was closed.

However, Trevor’s unethical practices included manufacturing counterfeit merchandise, illegally selling to students, and failing to obtain FDA clearance. Cerebral Success is still available for purchase on the company’s website.

There is no update on Trevor Hiltbrand’s current business ventures as of April 2023.

How Did The Shark Tank Deal Affect Cerebral Success Sales

Based on the available search results, it is not clear how much the Shark Tank deal impacted the sales of Cerebral Success.

However, it is mentioned that Barbara Corcoran helped to get the product into all GNC stores across the US, and one investor claimed that sales had increased four-fold even before the episode aired or the deal was closed.

It is possible that the exposure and the deal with Barbara Corcoran contributed to the increase in sales of Cerebral Success. However, since there is no specific sales data available, it is challenging to determine the precise impact of the Shark Tank deal on the product’s sales.

What Is The Current Status Of Smart X By Cerebral Success?

Cerebral Success is a company that offered a natural supplement containing 12 nootropic substances to enhance brain function for students preparing for exams. The product gained popularity when it was introduced on Shark Tank in 2014.

Smart X is believed to be the rebranded name of Cerebral Success’s primary product, but the company seems to have ceased operations after the rebranding.

The reason for this is unclear, but sources suggest that the company may have invested inadequate liability insurance following the investment to develop the product and perform independent investigations.

Another source states that the founder sold Smart X or Cerebral Success in 2019, and there have been no updates since then. The current status of the company is unknown.

What Is The Scientific Evidence Behind Cerebral Success’s Effectiveness?

The search results do not provide any scientific evidence on the effectiveness of Cerebral Success specifically.

However, they do provide information on relevant topics such as brain development, neuroplasticity, and learning science, which can help us understand the potential effectiveness of cognitive enhancement supplements like Cerebral Success.

The Harvard Center on the Developing Child suggests that early intervention is more efficient and produces better outcomes than remediation later in life. This implies that cognitive enhancement supplements may be more effective if taken earlier in life.

Research on neuroplasticity has identified key mechanisms for reprogramming fear circuits, which could help promote brain and psychological health.

While not directly related to cognitive enhancement supplements, this research suggests that the brain has the potential to change and adapt in response to interventions.

The maturation of the brain influences learning readiness, and sustained attention is important for maintaining focus on an activity or stimulus.

This suggests that cognitive enhancement supplements may be effective in improving attention and focus, which are crucial for academic success.

Overall, while there is no direct scientific evidence evaluating the effectiveness of Cerebral Success, the information on brain development, neuroplasticity, and learning science suggests that cognitive enhancement supplements may have the potential to improve cognitive function and academic success.

However, further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these supplements.

What Changes Were Made To The Product After The Shark Tank Deal?

It is difficult to determine what changes were made to a product after a Shark Tank deal because the show’s participants are not required to disclose the details of their deals. Some businesses disappear shortly after the deal is done, and the founders move on to other projects.

Others shift their focus from trying to convince people to carry their product to having different retail strategies. Some entrepreneurs leave the show with brand exposure, a lesson, and a fun experience.

In some cases, the sharks change their offer after doing their due diligence, and the deal falls through during post-show negotiations. The sharks are within their rights to change their offer, but it is not uncommon for them to delay for six months with very little communication before making a decision and committing.

The sharks may also pull out of the deal, sometimes with no explanation, or the terms may change so significantly that the entrepreneurs feel they are unacceptable and put their businesses at risk.

It is challenging to determine what changes were made to a product after a Shark Tank deal because the show’s participants are not required to disclose the details of their deals.

Some businesses disappear shortly after the deal is done, and the founders move on to other projects, while others shift their focus from trying to convince people to carry their product to having different retail strategies.

Some entrepreneurs leave the show with brand exposure, a lesson, and a fun experience. The sharks may change their offer, pull out of the deal, or the terms may change so significantly that the entrepreneurs feel they are unacceptable and put their businesses at risk.

What Is The Current Value Of Cerebral Success?

Cerebral Success was a mental health startup that offered a brain supplement to improve mental energy and alertness. The company appeared on Shark Tank in April 2014 and was valued at around $190,000 at the time.

However, the current net worth of the company is unknown as it went out of business in 2019, and the product is no longer available in the market. Despite its initial success after appearing on Shark Tank, Cerebral Success faced challenges that led to its closure.

The company rebranded its primary product to SmartX but invested inadequate liability insurance following the investment to develop the product and perform independent investigations.

The net worth of the founder, Trevor Hiltbrand, is estimated to be $21 million as of 2023.

What happened to Cerebral Success at Shark Tank?

Cerebral Success gave Corcoran a 40% interest in exchange for $75,000 in exchange for clinical data demonstrating the effectiveness of their goods.

Does Cerebral Success Work?

Cerebral Success has a 4-star rating on Amazon.

While consumer feedback appears to be divided, the majority of buyers indicate that this product does truly help them focus more and boost their mental energy levels.

Are SmartX Cerebral Success Ingredients Safe And Effective?

The business is forthright in stating that minor side effects such as nausea and headaches may occur. This is purely subjective and is determined by the individual’s tolerance.

Caffeine may cause certain undesirable side effects. Having said that, they do not believe the bulk of the components pose a substantial concern.

They simply wish it included less fillers and a higher concentration of active nootropics.

It is recommended that they visit their healthcare practitioner before beginning a new supplement regimen.

Additionally, they recommend that certain consumers abstain from nootropic substances entirely: Mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and children under the age of 18 years.

How to Take SmartX Cerebral Success?

60 pills are contained in one bottle of SmartX Cerebral Success. The manufacturer recommends beginning with one tablet per day and gradually increasing to two tablets per day.

They can take it in the morning to kick-start their day productively or later in the day to prevent post-lunch drowsiness.

Should they ‘cycle’ SmartX Cerebral Success?

Cycling refers to having a 1-2 day pause in between to allow the body to reset and maximize the supplement’s effectiveness.

The manufacturer recommends taking one or two days off every week.

What Does SmartX Cerebral Success Do?

SmartX by Cerebral Success is a nootropic pill intended to boost cognitive performance. It asserts that it improves memory, attention, and concentration.

Additionally, it promises to maintain their brain healthy by delivering critical nutrients and avoiding the degradation of neurotransmitters.

What is a nootropic compound?

Nootropics, or “smart medications,” are a family of chemicals that have been shown to improve cognitive function.

They are occasionally referred to as cognitive enhancers or memory enhancers. Prescription nootropics are stimulant drugs.

Is Cerebral Success still in business?

Cerebral Success is no longer in business but rebranded their products to SmartX

What are the ingredients in Smart X?

Cerebral Success contains 12 ingredients that can be linked to mental performance.

This includes; Huperzine A, Vinpocetine, Phosphatidylserine, Bacopin, Glucuronolactone, Cognizin, Caffeine, L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, Schisandrin A, L-Glutamine and B-Vitamins.

Are there any side effects to Cerebral Success?

The manufacturer claims that the pills only have minor side effects including headaches and nausea. However, they recommend consulting their physician before taking this pill.

What are the advantages of Cerebral Success?

Provides nourishment to the brain with vitamins, amino acids, and nutrients.

Contains a couple of good nootropic ingredients.

What is the net worth of Trevor Hiltbrand?


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