What are the Advertising Appeals | Importance of Advertising Appeals

What are the Advertising Appeals

Advertising appeals can be defined as communication strategies that advertising and marketing companies apply to attract attention and persuade potential buyers to purchase or act. Advertising appeal tries to influence the buying behavior of consumers emotionally or rationally.

Importance of Advertising Appeals

Appeals communication plays an important function in persuading potential customers to buy a particular product and service or change their wants from one to another. Advertisement appeals are usually designed to respond directly to the customer’s buying motives,  affecting their emotions or logical sense.

The fundamental principles of communications may well apply to advertising, media relations, sales, public speaking, teaching, handling a job interview, or even attracting a date in a night club on a Saturday night.

  • Each communication challenge shares common questions.
  • How do you win someone’s attention?
  • How do you motivate them to do what you want them to do?
  • Whom are you talking to?
  • Why are you talking? What is your goal?

Keep in mind; the average person may be exposed to thousands of advertisements and other messages a day through television, radio, billboards, T-shirts, interactive media, and that often it’s a Herculean challenge to appeal to and capture someone’s attention.

Types of Appeals in Advertising Communication


Digital marketing experts actually say that were susceptible to anywhere from 4000 to 10,000 ads a day, whether it’s TV commercials, magazines, online articles, radio advertisements, or even those videos that you want to skip before watching a YouTube video, you’re nearly constantly exposed to various brands.

If you’re a market of yourself, this poses a problem. How do you get your ad to stand out?

To begin, you must understand the two categories of advertising appeals;

  • Emotional Advertising Appeal
  • Rational Advertising Appeal

Emotional Advertising Appeal

The first types of appeals fall under the emotional category. These are intended to provoke feelings and emotions through imagery, impactful, text, and even strong music.

Personal Appeal

The personal appeal is often referred to as the emotional appeal and can persuade a viewer by inciting sadness, jealousy, happiness, anger. etc

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Social Appeal

Everyone wants to feel included or part of the most popular trends, and we’re all influenced by what surrounds us. The social appeal captures just that.

Fear Appeal

Everyone has a fearsome we’re willing to admit others were not. In some, we may not even realize the use of strong visuals helps bring out those fears.

Humor Appeal

Bringing humor into an ad can be very effective. It will grab attention and spark a response in the viewer. However, it’s much rarer because humor is subjective. What one person finds funny, another person might find offensive, so a marketer must fully understand their audience.

Endorsement Appeal

We’ve all seen celebrities and athletes put their name on a product, whether Beyonce and Pepsi or Peyton Manning and Papa John’s or even Mr. T and Snickers were all influenced by these huge names.

Even though they have nothing to do with creating the product, These ads stir popularity, and if your favorite celebrity is using a product, you’re more likely to follow suit.

Sexual Appeal

We’ve all heard the phrase sex sells, and most often, it does. That’s why companies employ the most attractive models and even use sexy product shots in their ads. Examples include Victoria’s Secret, Calvin Klein.

Romantic Appeal

Many of us are suckers for a good love story, and just as romantic movies are big hits, the same could be said with romantic advertisements. They give us powerful, inspiring feelings, and Livan will provide us with a sense of nostalgia.

Ralph Lauren utilizes this appeal quite often, and quite frankly, it doesn’t take much, just a couple that shares the look of love and happiness.

Youth Appeal

The target audience for the youth appeal is the older generation, but advertisers will use much younger actors than that target audience.

Advertisers want consumers to feel younger and more energetic, and they lead us to believe that this can happen by using their product.

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Adventure Appeal

Car companies, active lifestyle brands, and travel companies love the adventure appeal. Hypothetically, these show us where their product can take us.


It’s new and exciting to the consumer, and it even creates a sense of what if you think of Patagonia or Jeep; just seeing the ads makes you want to get a car that could take you to the beach, off-roading, etc.

Popularity Appeal

Similar to the social appeal is the popularity appeal? When many people want to wear or do something, you want to do it, too, and companies will purposely brand their products with their logo to ensure that society picks up on that trend.

Musical Appeal

Like in movies, the music played repeatedly and added must complement the setting, or else the mood could be very confusing. The right music can inspire motion or even encourage action from a viewer.

Empathy Appeal.

Our next appeal is the empathy appeal, and this can actually be one of them or tricky techniques. You must get a viewer to identify a problem that they’ve maybe never seen before.

This is typically used in public service announcements to evoke emotion in understanding a cause.

The viewer will better understand domestic violence’s consequences and be more inspired to help after seeing the powerful imagery complemented by some research.\

Curiosity Appeal

We are attracted to new products and unusual imagery and are naturally interested in things outside the ordinary. This motivator may not necessarily sell something, but it does get attention.

Potential Appeal

Turning dreams into reality is precisely what you have with the potential appeal. This is all about what could be and helping kids see their potential with the series of ads placing them in Rockstar’s fire suits or spacesuits.  These ads were placed all around schools, playgrounds, museums where not only the kids would see it, but their parents would as well.

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Brand Appeal

The brand appeal allows companies to sell their product for higher cost due to consumers wanting to reach a higher status level that can only be achieved by wearing or using the brand. This product has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with perception.

Branding Mistakes
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Take Starbucks, for example. Everyone wants to be a part of the exclusivity that the logo carries one status rises when drinking Starbucks rather than an off-brand of coffee.

Rational Advertising Appeals

Pain Appeal

Rational appeals are focused on facts and logic and are much more trustworthy and authentic than the emotional appeals we discovered. The first type of rational appeal is the pain solution. Most of us will wait to act until there is a problem that needs to be solved.

We know we need help; these ads direct us on where to go on to solve the issue. Brands are typically much more successful if they identify a problem and create a solution to fix it.

Scarcity Appeal

The scarcity appeal is most often paired with the words Limited time. The products may be available, but not for long, and it may be even harder to find, making them more desirable for the consumer.

Coke nailed this appeal with their personalized bottles campaign. Everyone wanted a bottle with their name on it, or it sends photos of bottles to their friends.

Sure, more impulse buys were made with this appeal, but who didn’t want a Coke with their name on it?

Statistics Appeal

Next, we have the statistics appeal, where you can use statistics to highlight matters like the wage inequality between genders with facts and statistics. With a little imagination, you can appeal to those who arm or rational in their approach.

Testimonials Appeal

Though it’s effective, testimonials don’t just have to be someone speaking highly of a product. You can think outside the box, for example, asking fans to submit commercial ideas. You get the public involved, and more people will be interacting with their brand by thinking outside the box. These add stand out from the crowd.

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Contrasting Appeal

The next rational appeal is the contrasting appeal and surprise. The contrast appeal can compare your product with another or even highlight what life would be like without your product.

In contrast, you can show how your brand is a step above the rest in a subtle way.

Status Appeal

It all signifies a certain status level that is quite subliminal. Often, you’ll see apartments in fashion brands using this method.

Transparent appeal

Not every person or product is perfect. Being transparent about your flaws with an audience can show real nous and, in a sense, actually earn brownie points.

Volkswagen had a problem with third-row seating in one of its earlier models when they revealed a new model with additional seats they played off of that previous model.

Beauty Appeal

With the beauty appeal, advertisers are showcasing their products in the most appealing way possible. Whether it’s perfect lighting or maybe photoshopping blemishes, all the focus will be on the product.

This way, the buyer can compare and choose the product that’s right for them.

Natural Appeal.

Speaking of photo editing, sometimes, um or natural appeal will connect better with an audience. It’s not about the promise of perfection and Maura about natural beauty.

Educational  Appeal/ Rational appeals

It educates the customer about the specific benefits of your product or service or position, for example, explaining how a car’s braking system works or offering detailed schematics of a product such as a robot cat.

Security Appeal

Starting with security, we all need to feel secure. Appealing to a customer’s sense of safety may be the most effective appeal of all.

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We buy a home for security, put money into a savings account, contribute to pension funds and buy insurance, all for security reasons.

Other Message Tactics and Appeal

Once you’ve won someone’s attention, your work is just begun. Now it’s time to sell your goods land communications may match and mix basic message tactics to sell a product or service, or message.

Straight Sell Appeal

Straight Sell tactics is a clear, brief, simple presentation of a product or service benefits. You get straight to the point. Do you need this? We have it!!

Billboards do this well because they need to communicate fast as a quick glance medium.

Artistic Appeal

Artistic tactics use creative imagery or music to attract the audience while suddenly promoting the advertising message. You like your viewer to associate a certain artistic mood or emotion with your offer.

Humor Tactic

This tactic attracts and entertains and holds, and sells the audience. If you can make them laugh and release those feel-good endorphins l, chances air better; they might like you for it or at least pay closer attention to your message.

Dramatization Appeal

Dramatization Tactics is a demonstration of the product or service or message in accent.

Characteristics of Advertising Appeals

All advertising appeals should have the following characteristics; 
  • Advertising appeals should be meaningful to the target audience.
  • It should be distinctive and use evidence-based scientific data.
  • Should be targeted to identified demographic group. 
  • Advertising appeals should believable and to be consumer-generated

 Targeting Demographics

When designing an effective advertising appeal message, target demographics should be top in the advertiser’s mind. These include;

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Income
  4. Culture

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