What is Content Strategy & Top 12 Content Strategy Ideas for Your Business?
What is Content Strategy?
Content strategy is the ongoing process of planning, creation, delivery, and management of content with the main purpose of reaching out to a wider audience. Content can be in the form of videos, audios, written content, infographics, images, and other media.
Content marketing strategy transform business content into a marketing tool that the organization can use to achieve primary objectives and goals
Content marketing is quite useful in building a brand and being seen as a market leader in a given market segment.
It also ensures that content is useful to the targeted market and audience.
Developing content regularly is really hard. You have to come up with a lot of great ideas that are magnetic that are going to add value to people’s lives and businesses, and coming up with those ideas regularly can be a struggle.
Top 12 Content Strategy ideas to help you build your audience.
#1 Case Studies.
First of all, Number one case studies do a case study on a company or an entrepreneur of business about what they’re doing well, about what they’re doing poorly.
You can make comparisons. You can take two different companies and kind of pro/con them against each other in your content. Who’s doing something new, who’s being innovative.
Ensure that you’re injecting your point of view and your opinion about what you’re talking about in the case.
#2 Teach Something.
Education is one of the best forms of content shares, strategies, and processes in your industries with others.
Share things like, you know, for designers, it could be like developing a creative brief or how to do a mood board or how to plan a project or how to put together a presentation.
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You could talk about roles, so in design, it might be, you know,
what is a creative director do?
What is designed, director?
What is a junior designer do?
What is a marketing person?
Sharing that kind of information with your audience could be really valuable.
You could talk about tools.
You can talk about applications.
You can talk about software.
You can talk about methods or secrets in your industry.
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All of those things can be very educational and make for really great content.
#3 Interviews.
Probably one of the most prevalent formats of content for podcasts, but you can also do interviews in written form or video.
You can send out a list of questions to someone you want to interview, get written responses, and publish those as content.
You could also pose a single question, toe a range of experts, and take all other responses, and publish content. Also, one on one interviews is really helpful.
You could take particular roles in your industry or industries that relate to reacting or are involved, or cross-pollinates with your industry and interview those people. So, interviews are a great form of content.
#4 Business Management.
You can do content around business processes in your industry so you could talk about things like organizational processes or management processes or project management processes, Time management.
You could talk about things like resources is or services you use in your business’s running.
You could talk about pricing or quoting or pitching those all sorts of process aspects of a business that you can share about and make into the content.
#5 Marketing Topics.
How people market in particular industries sometimes are different from each other. So how are people marketing in your industry?
What is working in your industry?
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What is not working?
What are the social platforms that people are using?
What are the different approaches to social that people are using?
How are they advertising?
What kind of content are they developing?
Where do they market?
Is it digital? Is it physical?
Discussing the marketing tips in your industry, your category or industry can be a great theme for content.
#6 Business Development Topics.
Everyone wants to get more business. Everyone wants to get more clients so that you can share your content.
Be transparent in your business and talk about what’s working for you.
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What’s not working for you?
What’s a challenge?
You can also look outside of your business and talk about your industry in general.
Look at the leaders.
Look at the laggers.
Talk about what they’re doing in terms of business development. Use it as a theme for content.
#7 Trends in Your Industry.
You could talk about things that are new in your industry, there, new and exciting, and innovative and inspiring.
You can talk about what’s old and what’s kind of tired in your industry.
You can talk about who are the innovators in your industry who were the laggards in your industry.
You can also talk about trends and materials or trends, and resource is trends and marketing trends and strategies, trends, and tactics.
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All of these make for great ideas.
#8 Reviews.
Reviews or a tried and true way of developing content. You can review things like books or websites or events or conferences or digital products, things like services or software as a service or APS.
But when you review, you’ll also want to make sure that you’re bringing to it your particular perspective, because that’s what’s going to establish you as an expert and elevate you in your field.
Do you want to have a point of view about what it is that you’re reviewing?
#9 Inspiration.
What is inspiring you in your industry in your category? You want to talk about what’s happening in your industry.
What is it that’s, you know, sparking your interest?
What is it driving your work?
What’s driving your creativity was driving your innovation.
Talk about inspiration and share that inspiration with others so they can be inspired to
#10 Infographics.
Infographics are a really great way to develop content.
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Now everyone out there might not have the skills of design skills, organizational skills to create infographics themselves.
But there are many companies out there that develop infographics from your content or from your ideas, and they’ll do it for you.
Often, the cost is really manageable so that you can develop infographics around things like processes in your industry or trends or news or statistics or data in your industry.
The best of your industry, the worst of your industry, so infographics are unique and not a prevalent form of creating content.
But they’re very sticky, meaning people love toe forward and share infographics, and they seem to go around and around. So, you can get a lot of traction when you take the time and make the investment into developing an infographic.
#11 Reporting.
It’s reporting back on things that you’ve done or events. You’ve gone to our conferences that you’ve gone to or speakers that you’ve heard.
It’s commenting and reporting back on industry news on hot topics in your industry.
Acting like a reporter put on a reporter’s hat and think about your content that way.
#12 Q and A.
What you want to do essentially is you want to pose a question and then answer it. You can get questions from your followers, your subscribers, and people who comment in the comment section.
You can use questions that you’ve heard elsewhere. Impose the question and then answer it.
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The question, answer type of content, is really magnetic because many times, the questions that being asked are, you know, pretty popular.
Many people have that question that makes people curious when they read that question in this subject, heading to find out the answer.